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Πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος για το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Βίντεο και Φωτογραφίας "Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities" στη Ρώμη / Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων 25 Ιουνίου 2012 (21/06/2012)



Call for Artists: Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities - Rome, Italy
Deadline: June 25, 2012


International ArtExpo is selecting all interesting video/short.films and photo works to include in the next 2012 Exhibition:


Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities - International Videoart Festival and Photo Exhibition at Ripa Hotel in Rome, Italy (July 06-08, 2012)


organizer:International ArtExpo (
curators: Luca Curci, Fabiana Roscioli

project coordinator: Claudia Dionesalvi


Follow the event on


opening:July 06, 2012 at Ripa Hotel & Riparte Cafè - via degli Orti di Trastevere, 3 - 00153 Rome, Italy

exhibition & screening places:Riparte cafè & Spazio Suite
dates: photo exhibition: July 06 - August 05, 2012 / video screenings: July 06–07–08, 2012


The deadline for applications is June 25, 2012


The selections will be based on the main concept of “Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities” that analyses the hybridization of physical and social identities in the contemporary cities.


The number of works with which you can participate is unlimited.
All video works must be on DVD (PAL or NTSC), no matter what the original source medium. The maximum length of videos should be 10 minutes.
All photo works on every kind of support are accepted. The maximum dimensions allowed per each image are 100 cm per side.


Send your works submissions with a CV/biography, videography and some still images (only for videoartists) and some samples of photo works (only for artists) to:


Luca Curci Architects
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari, Italy


The participation in International Videoart Festival and Photo Exhibition requires an entry fee for every artwork submitted and selected. Participation open to: professional artists, architects and designers, associate groups and studios.


International ArtExpois a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. We depend on the support of you. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our efforts. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and writers from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects.



International ArtExpo
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)



media partners

Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities - Media Partners




