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4ος Διεθνής Διαγωνισμός λογοτύπου "LOGO 2014" (Σλοβακία) (06/06/2014)



Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We invite your students and pedagogues to participate in the 4th year of LOGO 2014, which takes place in June this year in Banska Bystrica in the Slovak Republic! The deadline for submitting application forms for the competition is special extended to 10.6.2014. Please, see our website  and register your works for the LOGO 2014!We see your university as one of the European leaders in education within the field of graphic design. And for this reason we would like to take the liberty of requesting you to forward the following information about the biennial competition LOGO 2014 to the academic officials of the faculty or departments of the university which specialise in graphic design or utility graphics. Thank you very much! The international biennial competition LOGO 2014 is a unique event in the field of graphic design in the Slovak Republic. The aim of the competition and subsequent exhibition is evaluation the level of logotypes in Slovakia and compare them with the logotypes created in other European countries. The competition has two categories. The main category is meant for professional printmakers, designers, graphic studios or advertising agencies. The student category offers opportunity for students of colleges and universities, specialised in utility graphics and design, to present their work and products.   
On behalf of the organization committee


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