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Πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος για εικαστική διαμονή από το Arteles Creative Residency Program στην Φινλανδία (2017) (14/12/2016)




Arteles Creative Residency Program

 We are happy to announce that the call for applications for the Arteles Creative Residency Program in Finland for Summer/Fall 2017 is now on. The program brings together artists, art students/graduates, teachers and other creative professionals from all disciplines, from all around the world.

We would greatly appreciate, if you could help art teachers, students and graduates at your school/faculty find the program by sharing the program details below. The word can also be easily spread on Facebook, for example by sharing this program poster (also attached in this email): https://www.facebook.com/arteles/photos/a.160859164102034.1073741829.159198630934754/606448579543088/?type=3&theater

 Reetta Pekkanen

Program Coordinator

Arteles / Arteles Creative Center
tel. +358 341 023 787
Hahmajärventie 26
38490 Haukijärvi

Arteles Creative Residency Program 2017
Summer/Fall 2017 in Finland

Visual Arts | Photography | New Media | Sound Art | Music
Performing Arts | Design | Literature | Research | Philosophy

1 and 2 month residencies in July-October 2017
at Arteles Creative Center in Hämeenkyrö, Finland
Deadline for applications: 12th of January 2017
Read more & apply online: www.arteles.org
