Πέμπτη 18 Ιουλίου 2024
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Πρόσκληση ενδιαφέροντος για συμμετοχή νέων 18- 25 ετών στο European Year of Culture Heritage ”Sharing Heritage” (18/04/2018)

Dear Sir or Madam,

The City of Osnabrück, together with Münster, is taking part in the European Year of Culture Heritage ”Sharing Heritage” with the joint project ”Peace.Europe”.
This year in August we would like to invite young people in the age group of 18 to 25 years old from all over Europe, especially from the European Culture Heritage Sites, to which your city belongs to as well, to Osnabrück for a project called ”Lab Europe”.
The participation and encounter project is going to take place from the 16th to the 26th of August 2018.

The participants will work together in five so called ”labs”, which are offered in the fields visual art, performance, digital media and games, history and music.
The tender also addresses students from your University for at least one of the following two lab.

·       The lab visual art, which will be supervised by the Society for Contemporary Art Osnabrück invites young artists to realize their artistic position on the topic of ”safety first”. The works can be created in the shape of sculptures, paintings, photography, video or performance. http://www.lab-europe-osnabrueck.de/labs_en/#visual_art

·       The lab performance, which will be supervised by the art hall Osnabrück and the theater of Osnabrück, deals with the topic of mutual listening as an important requirement for the society.  Together with the artist Ernesto Pujol the participants will work on an performance all about the topic ”the listeners” and will take on a role in the performance themselves. http://www.lab-europe-osnabrueck.de/labs_en/#performance


We would be very grateful if you could pass this information on to students that you would consider suitable for this project.
Interested young adults can apply for participation until the 15th of May 2018.
Except for a participation fee at the amount of 100 Euro the costs will be taken care of by the City of Osnabrück.
More information on the organization for the project, the topics of the labs and the conditions for the application can be found on the website www.lab-europe-osnabrueck.de.

We are looking forward to applications from your students and would be happy to welcome them here in Osnabrück!



Best regards,
Anush Darbinyan
Project Management ”Lab Europe”

Stadt Osnabrück
Fachbereich Kultur
Büro für Friedenskultur
Marienstraße 5-6
49074 Osnabrück

Tel.: +49 541 323-4592
