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Διεθνής διαγωνισμός graphic design (αφίσα) "Postheroes" / Λήξη προθεσμίας 16 Μαρτίου 2014 (28/02/2014)

Last call for submissions - Posterheroes 4


Regarding to the several participations received so far on the Posterheores international contest, this year with the theme TOWARDS SYSTEMIC FOOD, Plug cultural association as organizer of the event decides to extend one more month the deadline submissions for graphic designs suggestions.



February 25th 2014, Turin


March 16th is the new deadline for sending the graphic designs to Posterheroes 4, the social communication contest promoted by Plug and patronage by Unesco, which is included in a two years project that start’s this year related to food and all its implications.


The huge participation registered is a sign of a growing interest by the community on issues that come at nude in the contest, that is, feed conscience and its social, cultural e economic aspects.


Launched on past November, the contest is honored to have, between the several collaborations, Eataly and the Turin Chamber of Commercewe aspire to involve creatives from all the world around four items of global interest: biodiversity; obesity and malnutrition; emigration and immigration and territorial interconnected systems.


All the  participants will have the possibility to defy each other through the creation of a graphic poster 50x70 size, which will be rated by an international jury compound by some of the relevant names from the graphic design and communication panorama.


The selected posters will be published on a catalog made for the initiativewill be shown inside the Eataly spaces, technical sponsor, and will also take part in future exhibitions and events promoted by Plug.


The registration on Posterheroes is simple and free, open to individuals or groups. The designs must be submitted on the site www.posterheroes.org by up-load.


“Our intent”, comment by the President of PLUG association, “ is to use the design as tool in service to social. After the experiences of the last editions, we are convinced that Posterheroes can represent an interesting opportunity for all that belongs to the world of creativity and share the connection between communication and challenge the change. The contest also represent a great opportunity for creatives to expose their own ideas showing this results to international experts on the graphic design sector, understood between communication, stamp and to the eating design world”


VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0CxAxWr360

BRIEF: http://www.posterheroes.org/Posterheroes4/_mat/BRIEF_PH4_eng.pdf



PLUG is a nonprofit cultural association compromised to social, economical and environmental themes.

Plug aims to create debates, propose ideas, influence life style, exposing important aspects of social and environmental sustainability, in all is structure.

The cultural association is active since 2009, develops and promote contest, events, conferences and workshops intend to creatives but mainly young creatives.

