Παρασκευή 19 Ιουλίου 2024
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Πρόσκληση συμμετοχής νέων κινηματογραφιστών στην συνάντηση Cinema da Mare (Ιταλία) (27/01/2016)















 The “CinemadaMare/The biggest gathering of filmmakers in the word” (below you can read the brief info sheet), which is at its 14th edition. It is an itinerant event that takes place every year in Italy from June 25th to September 10th (every participant can choose the dates of his/her stay). Its aim is to make all filmmakers shoot films (in 2015 the filmmakers came from 56 different Counties). They participate for free and can cover any role: director, actor, operator, sound operator, scriptwriter, editor, producer and so on).

I am therefore writing to kindly ask you – if you consider it to be possible – to present this chance to your best students: the free attendance in our “Travelling Campus”. This is a unique event where journeys throughout the length of “CinemadaMare” are free of charge, as well as all the activities of the Festival. There is no subscription fee. 

During “CinemadaMare” we also offer monetary prizes and scholarships, such as the free attendance in one of the courses at the New York Film Academy in its main Department in New York.

Here is what we ask your students who intend to submit their application:

1)      Great passion for Cinema

2)      Team work in order to collaborate with their colleagues of their same age coming from every Continent in the world

3)      Will to share artistic and physical energies; bring his/her professional equipment (a camera for directors and operators; a microphone and direct audio recorder for sound operators; an editing program and computer for editors; and so forth…Except for the actors who will only have to bring their talent.


Below, you can read the text that we kindly ask you to forward to your students, or to post on the notice board of your University (in case you may consider it necessary, we also authorize you to send the following text to your mailing list contacts and to post it on your web pages).





Below, the invitation for your students/filmmaker (also attached by mail):





A great chance for young filmmakers from all over the world (directors, scriptwriters, editors, actors, sound technicians…) to make cinema together


How to take part in CinemadaMare (CdM) for free – A Travelling Campus?


Book your place by filling out the Entry Form available on our website www.cinemadamare.com and you will be able to:

















Choose your period of stay (for a minimum of four weeks)




Shoot your films every six days, with other filmmakers coming from all over the world

















Travel with us around Italy on our CinemadaMare coach

















Get free accommodation in the schools that host us – upon agreement.













There is no subscription fee to join in our Campus, nor will you need to pay accommodation or transport fees. We only need your commitment and perseverance: necessary for you to complete at least one film each week.


Dear Filmmaker,


We are writing from CinemadaMare – the biggest gathering of young filmmakers in the world.


This is an itinerant and international campus: each year it hosts over 200 filmmakers from all over the world, who come to Italy to shoot films from June to September. It lasts 80 days and crosses 14 Italian Regions, along 5,200 km, stopping in the most beautiful locations in Italy each week.


The filmmakers will be hosted for free for the entire length of the festival in schools used as hostels (each participant will be given a mattress); they will shoot their film each week, organized in self-managed crews. Moreover, filmmakers will be able to attend free of charge activities, such as workshops and masterclasses.


If you have made a film, you can send it to our Main Competition- Competition of films sent throughout the year. You can find the entry form on our website www.cinemadamare.com, along with the regulation to comply with, in order to submit your film for free and participate as a filmmaker.


Typical Week in CinemadaMare:

















Arrival and production Meeeting: A meeting to organize the production of films of the week

















…And start Shooting! The young filmmakers – organized in crews – have six days to shoot their film

















Workshop and masterclass: Each week we hold training activities lectured by Italian and internaternational guests, who will be staying in the city hosting us.

















Screening and Awarding: during the week, the films in the Main Competition are screened in the Main Square and on the last day of our weekly stay, the films that have been shot over that same week will be screened in the Main Square and will be awarded (Weekly Competition)













Όσες ανακοινώσεις δεν φέρουν το λογότυπο του Γραφείου Διασύνδεσης ΑΣΚΤ, έχουν συνταχθεί από τον αντίστοιχο Φορέα, ο οποίος φέρει και την αποκλειστική ευθύνη του περιεχομένου τους. Το Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης φροντίζει μόνο για την αναδημοσίευσή τους.